Engineering &
Management handbook.

Sharing my experience and thoughs on software development.

The Importance of Tests – When, Why, and How to Write

This article aims to provide a non-technical and concise overview of software testing concepts, making it helpful for HR professionals or business owners seeking to grasp the fundamentals of testing.

The Importance of Documentation – When, Why, and How to Write

Documentation in software development. Do you write it? Do we really need it? Can we skip it? What types of documentation are there? I dive into these questions and more in this article.

Comparing Hybrid (PWA), Cross-Platform, and Native Mobile App Development Approaches

My thoughts on choosing the optimal approach for mobile app development.

How to be an Exceptional Software Engineer

Reflection on the topic of what sets good developers apart from exceptional ones.

How to write good software

My view on how to write good software. It’s not a step by step instruction. It’s just a general principles that can be applied to any language/technology you use.

How to Test Ideas Before Launch

How to validate such brilliant ideas first before actually coding anything.

How to Choose the Right Tech Stack for Your Startup

I've pondered a bit on the topic of choosing the perfect tech stack for a startup. There is no perfect solution; it all depends on your skills and project requirements but one thing is important always and in any circumstances.

Software deployment best practices

An overview of software deployment best practices.

Fighting fraud

A short review on the most common fraud techniques in the NFT space.

Seven Security Considerations for Smart Contracts

Some of the best practices to use while working with smart contracts and not only.

IT courses don't help to become a programmer and and earn $100500/sec

Reflections on what to do to become a developer or why IT courses alone cannot help you "get into" IT.

Reroll - a notebook for D&D character stats. Our experience of launching on Kickstarter and raising $20K in 8 hours

When OpenAI announced ChatGPT Plugins in March, it took the world by storm. Here is a step-by-step tutorial of how to build your own ChatGPT Plugin with Next.js & Vercel.